Design. Develop. Invest.

Exterior shot of Queen's Manor Event Centre

We are investors, developers, owners and managers of commercial and residential real estate, with a focus in Ontario, Canada.

Sandhu Developments has played an imperative role in Ontario's major cities since completing our first investment in Guelph in 2004. We represent satisfied customers across Canada by providing excellence, great service & exceeding expectations, to us, every interaction matters. We have existing projects that are in full spring in the hospitality, retail, residential & commercial sector and we are currently also developing a 1,000,000 square feet build.

Our Services

  • Commercial real estate featuring Dundas Square

    Commercial Property Management

    We provide high-quality services that are second to none when it comes to commercial property management. We take all the guesswork out of managing rental properties in the Toronto area. Commercial real estate investment has never been so easy.

  • Property investments

    Property Investments

    With over 15 years of experience as an investor, developer & manager, with significant access to capital. Our teams apply a rigorous and disciplined approach to identifying, underwriting, acquiring and executing on investment opportunities in Ontario. These elements combine to allow our investment teams to act with speed, capability and confidence, and to complete the right transactions at the right time.

  • A group of rental properties

    Rental Properties

    Our retail platform is built around a unique service culture – one that puts our retailers’ success and customer experience at the forefront. From our leasing and tenant coordination teams, to our marketing and property management experts, we support our retail partners wholeheartedly to help their businesses thrive.

  • Shot of a city featuring development & construction material


    We understand that we have a responsibility to meet the needs of the local communities in which our projects reside. That's why we've built relationships with the world’s top architects, public space consultants, engineers, city planners, & contractors.

  • Commercial Construction

    Commercial Construction

  • Residential Construction

  • Rezoning


  • Site Selection & Acquisition

    Site Selection & Acquisition

  • Municipal Planning

    Municipal Planning

  • Design & Engineering

    Design & Engineering

  • Property Use Repositioning

    Property Use Repositioning

  • Project Budgeting & Financial Structuring

    Project Budgeting & Financial Structuring

Upcoming Projects

Contact us.


Phone: (416) 840-5254

4 Robert Speck Parkway, Mississauga ON L4Z 1S1

We are investors, developers, owners and managers of commercial & residential real estate, with a focus in Ontario, Canada.